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Manufacturers of fibrous products often use waterborne processes, where low-viscosity additives are preferred for efficient integration. Finding the right aerogel…
Svenska Aerogel is proud to announce the launch of their latest product, Quartzene® Z-Slurry. This aqueous aerogel suspension is easily processed and pumpable, enhancing thermal insulation, improving fire safety, and reducing the weight of end products. It offers significant advantages for paint manufacturers as well as producers of fibrous products. Quartzene® Z-Slurry is now available for purchase across Europe.
During the spring of 2024, Svenska Aerogel has recognized a growing trend of larger customer projects entering the pilot phase and has received several pilot orders. The company received its first order from a key customer in the transport industry, and recently, Svenska Aerogel sent a container order of approximately 1.4 tons to one of its partners in Asia. CEO Tor Einar Norbakk provides an update on the orders, key customers, and a new, exciting application for Svenska Aerogel’s material.
Svenska Aerogel has reached a significant milestone with its Asian partner, Rayoung. Following successful efforts to utilize the properties of Quartzene[®], Rayoung has advanced two new customer projects to the next phase, resulting in a container order of approximately 1.4 tons of Quartzene[®]. This order marks an exciting development in the collaboration.
Svenska Aerogel Holding AB (publ) rapporterar andra kvartalet 2024. Under perioden togs positiva framsteg inom ett flertal kundprojekt vilket resulterade i betydelsefulla ordrar. Dessa ordrar markerar viktiga framsteg i våra kundsamarbeten och vi avslutar kvartalet med en starkare pipeline.
Svenska Aerogel Holding AB (publ) rapporterar första kvartalet 2024. Under perioden säkrade bolaget en stor pilotorder från en globalt etablerad nyckelkund inom elfordonsindustrin – en betydande milstolpe i samarbetet. Dessutom tog bolaget ett signifikant kliv i sin produktutveckling.
Idag publicerar Svenska Aerogel Holding AB (publ) årsredovisningen för 2023. Årsredovisningen finns tillgänglig på bolagets hemsida (https://aerogel.se/).